- Image via CrunchBase
The trends in Social Media are heading towards more sharing of information. But sharing of information has moved beyond your circle of friends and family. Social media is becoming less social and more… well more corporate. Or more like many people shouting in a bar, you are all in close proximity, but you can’t distinguish the individual conversations, you can’t make out who people really are or who is a potential quality relationship.
How many random friend requests do you get now from Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. Twitter is a bit different obviously, but that’s a whole other story. Now you are also getting bombarded with corporate Fanpages, groups and other means of luring you to their sites, brands and social following. This is the erosion of your true social circle.Social Media Security is really more about Insecurity. The distribution of your information across multiple platforms used to be in a restricted circle. This can be true data loss. Now its pretty much everywhere. You can find a person’s LinkedIn profile with a generic Google search. This should be restricted to the LinkedIn environment, but it’s not.With the advent of location based services, we will see physical insecurity based on social media usage. A recently popular site Please Rob Me http://pleaserobme.com has already begun taking advantage of the Twitter location feature. Imagine what can be done by a stalker following someone on twitter or a deranged Ex-boyfriend following you based on the events you are attending on Facebook? It’s easy to see how you can give away all your personal information without event thinking of it. Trends towards making information available will lead to Insecurity. Insecurity will lead to data breaches and compromise. Compromise will lead to lots of crying, money lost, probably lawsuits and other painful results. How do we get past this Social Media Insecurity?
Gary Bahadur
Address: 200 Se 1st St #601 Miami FL 33131
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