Trapwire got you trapped?
A couple of stories have come out about Trapwire after it was was that there were documents on it in a Wikileaks release. Wikileaks is undergoing a Denial of Service attacks that couple be related to the release of this information. Wikeleaks also publised information on another surveillance intelligence company Stratfor. As Trapwire says on their website “TrapWire is a unique, predictive software system designed to detect patterns indicative of terrorist attacks or criminal operations. Utilizing a proprietary, rules-based engine, TrapWire detects, analyzes and alerts on suspicious events as they are collected over periods of time and across multiple locations.”
Well the technology to monitor everything we do on the Internet has been available for a long time. How companies put that technology together is probably more secret sauce that any kind of patents they may have. The bxt execution of a product will usually win the day. So who should be concerned abut Trapwire? We are already being monitored by close circuit TV everywhere you go. That info can be imprted into facial recognition software easily enough.
Facebook recently acquired Face.com, the facial recognition software company. How much more invasive do you think Facebook will be going forward? Should you be more concerned with Facebook or Trapwire? Who knows. The whole thing is probably being overhyped; its just another in a long line of surveillance solutions we have to live with at this point.
That’s a depressing thought. If the government isnt actively monitoring as much activity as they can, you would probably call then incompetent. I think the government should outsource their monitoring needs to Facebook and “The Google”. Save the US tax payers some money. A Cloud model for invasion of privacy is probably more cost effective for the gobvernment!