Ponemon Institute recently released their Cyber megratrends as listed below. While I agree with these I think there were a couple that could easily be added to the list. First, I would either add or modify Web 2.0 into Web 3.0. Lets look to what is going to happen versus what is happening. Incremental change may not be the trend. Secondly, I suggest adding Vendor Risk Management. The vendor does not have to be offshore to pose a problem. Vendors are so integrated into companies and business processes that they are like an employee but are not subjected to the same Network Security Assessment requirements in many cases.
Its a difficult thing to try and forecast. The good thing about it is that no one really remembers your forecaste anyway.
Gary Bahadur
Managed Security Services
Managed Firewall
Managed Vulnerability Scanning
Cyber Security Mega Trends Study
Prepared by Dr. Larry Ponemon, November 18, 2009
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